Bibliography Mons Claudianus

Bibliography of monographs and articles resulting from the 1987-1993 excavations:


Jean Bingen, Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Walter E.H. Cockle, Hélène Cuvigny, Lene Rubinstein, Wilfried Van Rengen, MONS CLAUDIANUS, OSTRACA GRAECA ET LATINA I (O.Claud.1-190), (DFIFAO XXIX) Cairo 1992.

Jean Bingen, Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, W.E.H. Cockle, Hélène Cuvigny, François Kayser, Wilfried Van Rengen MONS CLAUDIANUS, OSTRACA GRAECA ET LATINA II (O.Claud. 191-414) (DFIFAO XXXII), Cairo 1997.

D.P.S. Peacock and V.A. Maxfield SURVEY AND EXCAVATION MONS CLAUDIANUS, 1987-1993. VOLUME I: TOPOGRAPHY AND QUARRIES With contributions by Olwen Williams-Thorpe, Ian C. Freestone, Janet Lang, Wifried Van Rengen, R.S. Tomber, R.S. Thorpe†, A.G. Tindle, and M.C. Jones. (FIFAO XXXVII), Cairo 1997

V.A. Maxfield-David P.S. Peacock, Survey and Excavations. MONS CLAUDIANUS II. Excavations part 1. (Fouilles de l'IFAO 43), Cairo 2001.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen (with a contribution by Hélène Cuvigny), MONS CLAUDIANUS. Organisation, administration og teknik i et romersk stenbrud fra kejsertiden. (Studier fra Sprog- og Oldtidsforskningen, Copenhagen 1996)

Hélène Cuvigny, Mons Claudianus. Ostraca Graeca et Latina III. Les reçus pour avances à la familia (O.Claud. 417 à 631), Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Le Caire 2000 (DFIFAO XXXVIII)

Valerie A. Maxfield and David P.S. Peacock, Survey and Excavation. MONS CLAUDIANUS III. Ceramic vessels and related objects. (Fouilles de l'IFAO 54), Cairo 2006.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Mons Claudianus. Ostraca Graeca et Latina IV. The Quarry-Texts (O.Claud. 632-896) Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Le Caire 2009 (DFIFAO XXXXVII).


Lise Bender-Jørgensen, ‘The Mons Claudianus Textile Project.’ Archéologie des textiles des origines au Ve siècle. Actes du colloque de Lattes, octobre 1999. edd. Dominque Cardon et Michel Feugère, éditions monique mergoil, Montagnac, 2000, 253-263

Lise Bender Jørgensen, ‘Textiles from Mons Claudianus. A Preliminary Report.’ Acta Hyperborea 3, Copenhagen, 1991, 83-95.

Lise Bender Jørgensen, ‘The Textiles from Mons Claudianus, Recorded in 1991'. Archaeological Textiles Newletter, No. 12, Leiden, May 1991, 8-10

Lise Bender Jørgensen, ‘Romersk Tekstil i Egypts ørken’ Spor (Trondheim) 1997, Nr 2, 7-9

Jean Bingen, ‘Première campagne de fouille au Mons Claudianus. Rapport préliminaire.’ Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'archéologie Orientale, 87, 1987, 45-52.

Jean Bingen - S.O. Jensen, ‘Quatrième campagne de fouille au Mons Claudianus. Rapport préliminaire.’ Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'archéologie Orientale, 90, 1990, 65-81.

Jean Bingen - S.O. Jensen, ‘Mons Claudianus. Rapport préliminaire sur les cinquième et sixième campagnes de fouille (1991-1992)’ Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'archéologie Orientale, 92, 1992, pp.15-36

Jean Bingen - S.O. Jensen, ‘Mons Claudianus. Rapport préliminaire sur la septième campagne de fouille (1993)’ Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'archéologie Orientale, 94, 1993, pp.53-66 + fig. 1-20

Jean Bingen, ‘Dumping of Ostraca at Mons Claudianus.’ In D.M. Bailey, Archaeological Research in Roman Egypt. The Proceedings of the Seventeenth Classical Colloquium of the Department of Greek an Roman Antiquities, British Museum, held on 1-4 December, 1993 (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 19) 1996, 29-38.

Jean Bingen, ‘Sept campagnes de fouilles au Mons Claudianus (désert oriental d'Égypte, 1987-1993). Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Académie Royale de Belgique, 6e série, Tome IV, 1-6, 1993, 143-157.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘Mons Claudianus. Roman Granite-Quarry and Station on the Road to the Red Sea.’ Danish Studies in Classical Archaeology. ACTA HYPERBOREA I. East and West. Cultural Relations in the Ancient World. Museum Tusculanum, Copenhagen, 1988, pp. 159-165

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘Mons Claudianus - et stenbrud i Ægypten’ Sfinx 1990,1, 10-15.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen ‘The Excavation and Ostraca of Mons Claudianus’ Proceedings of the XIX th Congress of Papyrology, Vol. 1. p. 49-59, (Ain Shams University, Center of Papyrological Studies), Cairo 1992.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘Læse og skrivefærdighed på Mons Claudianus belyst ved fund.’ Hellenismestudier 8, Århus, 1993, p. 66-73.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen ‘The Excavation at Mons Claudianus, Egypt’. Acta Hyperborea 5, 1993, 408-410.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘A survey of seven years of Excavation at Mons Claudianus’ TOPOI, 6/2, 1996, 721-730 (Maison de l'orient, Lyon).

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘On Smiths and Quarries’ Akten des 21. internat. Papyro–logenkongresses, Berlin 1995. Leipzig, 1997, p. 139-145.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘Translation of a Letter of the Praefectus Aegypti’ (O.Claud. inv. 7218). Papyrological Texts in Honor of Roger S. Bagnall. Edited by Rodney Ast, Hélène Cuvigny, Todd M. Hickey, and Julia Lougovaya. (American Studies in Papyrology 53) 2013,. pp. 47-51.

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘Texts and Textiles on Mons Claudianus’. In Le Myrte et la rose - Mélanges offerts à Françoise Dunand, edd. G. Tallet, Chr. Zivie-Coche, CENiM 9, Montpellier, 2014, 3-7

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, ‘O.Claud. IV 870 and 895 joined’. (ZPE 183 (2012) pp. 219-221, 1 fig.).

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Stomoma. Why, what, whence, and how? in Festskrift Jean-Michel Carrié, NYP).

M. Ciszuk, ‘Taquetés from Mons Claudianus: analyses and reconstruction.’ Archéologie des textiles des origines au Ve siècle. Actes du colloque de Lattes, octobre 1999. edd. Dominque Cardon et Michel Feugère, éditions monique mergoil, Montagnac, 2000, 265-282.

W.E.H. Cockle, ‘The Breaking of an Alter at Mons Claudianus (IG Pan 37).’ CdÉ 67, 1992, fasc. 134, 337-340.

H. Cuvigny - G. Wagner, ‘Ostraca grecs du Mons Claudianus.’ ZPE 62, 1986, 63-73.

Hélène Cuvigny, ‘Nouveaux ostraca du Mons Claudianus.’ Chronique d'Égypte 61, fasc.122, 1986, 271-286.

Hélène Cuvigny, ‘Inscription inédite d'un ergodotès dans une carrière du Mons Claudianus’. Mélanges Maurice Martin (IFAO), 1992, pp.73-88.

Hélène Cuvigny, ‘The Amount of Wages Paid to the Quarry-Workers at Mons Claudianus.’ JRS 86, 1996, p. 139-145

Hélène Cuvigny, ‘L'organigramme du personnel d'une carrière impériale d'après un ostracon du Mons Claudianus’ CHIRON 35, 2005, 309-353.

Ulla Mannering, ‘Roman Garments from Mons Claudianus'. Archéologie des textiles des origines au Ve siècle. Actes du colloque de Lattes, octobre 1999. edd. Dominque Cardon et Michel Feugère, éditions monique mergoil, Montagnac, 2000, 283-290.

Valerie A. Maxfield, ‘Stone Quarrying in the Eastern Desert with particular reference to Mons Claudianus and Mons Porphyrites', in D.J. Mattingly and J. Salmon (edd.) Economies beyond Agriculture in the Classical World, London-New York, 2001, 143-170.

David Peacock, Rome in the Desert - a symbol of power. (Inaugural lecture) Southampton, 1993.

D.P.S. Peacock, ‘The Roman quarries of Mons Claudianus, Egypt. An interim report.’ In N. Herz and M. Waelkens, Classical Marble: Geochemistry, Technology, Trade. Dordrecht, 1988 pp 97-102.

D.P.S. Peacock, ‘Mons Claudianus and the problem of the granito del foro.’ In R. Franchovich, Archeologia delle attivita estrattive e Metallurgiche. Siena 1993, 49 -69.

D.P.S. Peacock, Olwen Williams-Thorpe, R.S. Thorpe+ & A.G. Tindle, "Mons Claudianus and the problem of the ‘granito del foro': a geological and geochemical approach" ANTIQUITY 68, 1994, 209-230.

Roberta Tomber, ‘Early Roman Pottery from Mons Claudianus.’ Cahiers de la Céramique Égyptienne, t. 3, 1992 137-142.
Roberta Tomber, ‘Provisioning the desert: pottery supply to Mons Claudianus.’ In D.M. Bailey, Archaeological Research in Roman Egypt. The Proceedings of the Seventeenth Classical Colloquium of the Department of Greek an Roman Antiquities, British Museum, held on 1-4 December, 1993 (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement 19) 1996, 39-49.

Roberta Tomber, ‘Mons Claudianus.’ Bulletin de liaison du Groupe International d'étude de la céramique égyptienne. XIII 1989, 35-37 and XIV 1990, 26-27, and XV 1991, 20-21; and 1992, XVII, 32.

Marijke van der Veen, ‘The plant remains from Mons Claudianus, a Roman quarry settlement in the Eastern Desert of Egypt - an interim report.’ Vegetation History and Archaeobotany (1996) 5: 137-141

Marijke van der Veen with Sheila Hamilton-Dyer, ‘A life of luxury in the desert? The food and fodder supply to Mons Claudianus.’ Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998) 101-116.

Marijke van der Veen, ‘The food and fodder supply to the Roman quarry settlements in the eastern desert of Egypt’ The Exploitation of Plant Resources in Ancient Africa (ed. van der Veen), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1999.


Updated 28/4-16 (AB-J)