The AIP International Papyrus archive

The archive has several branches, but the most complete is in Brussels at the Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth. Here in Copenhagen we have whatever has been photographed since 1978 when I started participating in the activities of the archive.

The index of the negatives I have here is useful and I have used it for years myself, but you may find it idiosyncratic as far as names of publications &c are concerned. It is a matter of containing each item in one line. If you do not find something which should be there, try writing the number only.
The columns in the index are as follows:
1) Publication
2) Catalogue no.
3) f(ront) or b(ack)
4) note, alternative publication, Pack (Pack2, of course) and suchlike.
5) diapositive location.
6) Negative location. The negative here is a 4x5 inch black and white or, in rare cases, a 6x9 cm.
7) and 8) are various inventory numbers, such as, in Cairo, S(pecial) R(egister) and J(ournal) (d') E(ntré). In Oxford and Oslo where filing systems are less complex several of these columns will be empty.
The P. in a publication is always left out, i.e. Oxy not P.Oxy. H+number refers to J. Van Haelst, Catalogue des papyrus Littéraires juifs et chrétiens, Paris 1976.
Other abbreviations are Enteux Fay. Masp Osl. S.O. (=Symbolae Osloenses) SB PCZ = Zeno
The file is sorted in alphabetical order.
The index-file is over 400K and contains over 4600 entries, so it takes a bit of time to load, even if I have avoided all fancy enhancements.

Prints can be ordered, but within reason please, darkroom capacity is limited. Please also remember that copyright of the photographs remains with the holding institution, so that you must ask permission from them, if you want to publish.
The prints are not free although prices are extremely reasonable compared to what professional photographers ask. If you are shocked, please remember that the prices have to cover both the rent of the dark-room, the equipment and the materials - paying for my time never seems to come into the question, but I mostly print on Sundays anyway. You may order by e-mail: BULOW@HUM.KU.DK

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen

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